Private registry authentication

For pulling images served by a registry that requires authentication, you have to create a secret which contains the credentials and provide its name in the global.alfrescoRegistryPullSecrets value.

Secret should be created in the same namespace where you are going to install ACS

Create the secret of type docker-registry with following command, replacing YOUR-USERNAME and YOUR-PASSWORD with your credentials and YOUR-REGISTRY with your private registry hostname:

kubectl -n alfresco create secret docker-registry my-registry-secret --docker-server=YOUR-REGISTRY --docker-username=YOUR-USERNAME --docker-password=YOUR-PASSWORD 

For the Alfresco Enterprise docker images, you need to have credentials for

kubectl -n alfresco create secret docker-registry quay-registry-secret --docker-username=YOUR-USERNAME --docker-password=YOUR-PASSWORD 

Alternatively, you can also leverage an already configured docker client using the --from-file option (this will create a secret containing ALL the credentials you have currently configured):

kubectl -n alfresco create secret generic docker-registry-secrets --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/your-home/.docker/config.json