Install ingress-nginx

We currently support and test only ingress-nginx, but all of our charts supports overriding via values the ingressSourceClass and annotations which allows to use your preferred ingress controller.

Install on a generic Kubernetes cluster

Install the ingress-nginx controller namespace:

helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace

Enable snippet annotations which is disabled by default for security reasons, but we still requires it for alfresco-search-services while still filtering only the ones we strictly need.

kubectl -n ingress-nginx patch cm ingress-nginx-controller \
-p '{"data": {"allow-snippet-annotations":"true"}}'

Wait for the ingress-nginx controller to be up again after the configuration change:

kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \ \

Verify the newly created pod under the ingress-nginx namespace:

kubectl get pods --namespace=ingress-nginx

More information can be found in the ingress-nginx deploy docs.