Alfresco Content Services Helm Deployment on KinD cluster
This page describe how to get ACS up and running on a Kubernetes In Docker (KinD) cluster.
KinD is better suited to run helm workloads inside CI environments but works well also for local development because it just requires a working Docker server.
- Docker installed on your machine (Docker Desktop, Rancher Desktop, Podman and similar)
- Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) installed on your machine
- Helm CLI installed on your machine
Step 1: Install Kind
Take a look to the KinD quickstart to learn how to install the binary cli on your machine and to learn briefly the main commands that you can run.
Step 2: Create a Kind Cluster
Run the following command to create a Kind cluster:
cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --config=-
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- |
kind: InitConfiguration
node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 443
hostPort: 443
protocol: TCP
Wait for the Kind cluster to be created. This may take a few minutes.
Step 3: Install ingress-nginx
Install the ingress-nginx controller namespace:
kubectl apply -f
Reconfigure ingress-nginx to allow snippet-annotations:
kubectl -n ingress-nginx patch cm ingress-nginx-controller \
-p '{"data": {"annotations-risk-level":"Critical","allow-snippet-annotations":"true"}}'
Wait for the ingress-nginx controller:
kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \ \
Install metrics server
Optionally, you can install metrics server to gather metrics from node and pods.
Make sure to enable insecure tls option otherwise metrics collection would not work under KinD:
kubectl patch -n kube-system deployment metrics-server --type=json \
-p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-","value":"--kubelet-insecure-tls"}]'
Wait for a few minutes and then try to run:
kubectl top node
Upon installing ACS, you can check current cpu and memory usage via:
kubectl top pods
Now that you have successfully set up a Kind cluster with ingress-nginx and metrics-server, you can now proceed with installing ACS via helm charts as per Desktop deployment.