Alfresco Content Services Containerized Deployment

release kubernetes tested version

This project contains the code for running Alfresco Content Services (ACS) with Docker using Docker Compose or on Kubernetes using Helm Charts.

Automated tests for helm charts are running on KinD cluster v1.29 and EKS v1.28.

Important changes for helm charts

The v7.0.0 release is the first release of the acs helm charts which completely leverage the new individual subcharts we started releasing since March 2023 in a dedicated repo: alfresco-helm-charts.

This change will make life easier to whoever want to customize or extend the helm deployments and simplify the future maintenance, at the cost of breaking the compatibility with the values structure which remained almost stable since the v6 release.

Please review the new values carefully and adapt any custom configuration you may have. You can read the upgrades guide for more details on the changes.

Deploying to new namespace is always the preferred way of upgrading ACS as we do not test charts for upgrade scenarios (even with previous versions) neither do we provide roll-back facilities.


The ACS Enterprise version is installed by default, using Docker images from If you’re an Alfresco customer, you can request credentials by logging a ticket with Hyland Community.

The repository Docker image provides a limited trial of the Enterprise version of Alfresco Content Services, which switches to read-only mode after 2 days. For a longer trial, you can request the 30-day Download Trial.

The Community Edition can be installed without the need of a license or account.


As of version 8.0.0 of the chart we have changed the release policy. Previously, the chart was released together with the ACS product and we were delivering additional values files for each major release of ACS (e.g. 7.3, 7.4, …) and chart version were bumped with a similar increment as ACS. With version 6.0.0, we started applying major versions bumps to reflect breaking changes in the chart, despite only minor ACS release happened.

With 8.0.0 onward, the release pace of the chart is completely independent from the product versions. We will also stick to Semver principles when choosing next version number, meaning that:

  • patch version will be used for bug fixes (last digit)
  • minor version will be used for new features and modifications which do not introduce breaking changes in the configuration interface.
  • major version will be used for changes which involve breaking changes in the configuration interface.

The alfresco-content-services chart has always provided the ability to deploy any currently supported version of ACS and its components and will continue to do so. You are encoraged to always use the latest version of the chart to deploy your ACS version, using the appropriate values file. For that reason we stop providing the table mapping chart versions with the ACS version they deploy (by default). Instead we’ll just maintain the list of deprecated versions versions mapped with the latest versions of the charts we tested deployment with, so you can use that version to deploy older ACS version on Kubernetes. Check the ACS End of Life’d versions paragraph.

You are encouraged to always use the latest version of the chart to deploy your currently supported ACS version, using the appropriate values file.

Finally, the master branch of this repository used to contain the latest versions, including non-released versions! We’re also moving away from this pattern and the chart will now only ever deploy released versions of our products.

Should you want to try our latest dev versions, we now provide an additional values file called pre-release_values.yaml which will be bumped on a regular basis.

This also means we will not produce -M* versions of the chart anymore.

Check the Release page for the list of existing versions.

ACS End of Life’d versions

While our latest version of the charts should be able to deployment any version of ACS (theoretically), we only ever test deployment of currently supported versions. Also we do not provide values files for older unsupported version. If you need to deploy old version we provide a reference table below to allow you find the older values files and charts. You can either try using the values file for a version with the latest charts or using the old charts.

unsupported ACS version Last chart version providing it
7.0 8.0.1
6.2 5.3.0
6.1 5.1.1

These charts should not be used for any new deployment but just for reference.

Getting Started

To get started please refer to the Docker Compose and Helm Chart documentation.