Configuring Alfresco subsystems

This chart offers a rather simple mechanism to configure Alfresco Subsystems. Although subsystems are well known to most Alfresco administrators, in a kubernetes environment they should be used only when necessary (e.g. if in need to instantiate several instances of the same subsystem)

Subsystem configuration relies on providing a secret which contains all the configuration files for the subsystems. The secret needs to be added to the list of configuration.repository.existingSecrets:

      - name: ldap1
        purpose: subsystems:Authentication:ldap

For the above configuration to work there are some rules to follow:

  • name must match both the secret name and the subsystem instance name (in case the subsystem name must be referenced somewhere else, e.g. in authentication.chain)
  • purpose must be of the form: subsystems:subsystemName:subsystemType
  • The secret must contain all necessary files to configure the subsystem. Usually a bean definition XML file and properties file. (see example below)

Kubernetes secrets can not be bigger than 1MB. That means that this method will not work in case a subsystem contain 1MB of data or more. This should not be the case for most subsystems but is important t know in case of customizations

Examples: ContentStore configuration

Creating the subsystem’s secret:

Place all the configuration files in a folder on your local system. Sample files can be extracted from the S3 AMP file. For more details on the content of the files check out the Alfresco S3 connector docs.

mkdir s3-config
unzip -d s3-config ~/Downloads/alfresco-s3-connector-5.1.0.amp config/alfresco/subsystems/ContentStore/S3/
tree s3-config
 ├── s3-contentstore-context.xml

By default subsystem Beans may include other XML files from upper level directories. This is not possible with as kubernetes secrets are projected down from a single directory (mount point). If your subsystem config does this kind of inclusion you’ll need to amend the Bean to not use import statement or import from the current directory.

Create the secret using kubectl

kubectl create secret generic S3 --from-file=s3-config/

Pass the following configuration.repository.existingSecrets together with the property to set the new contentstore subsystem as the default contentstore:

      - name: repository-secrets
        key: license.lic
        purpose: acs-license
      - name: S3
        purpose: subsystems:ContentStore:S3

As a list, configuration.repository/existingSecrets cannot be merged so you would need to re-define the license secret to have it deployed.