Configuring Alfresco repository

Alfresco repository can be configured using properties files. The most common one is

Another option to pass configuration properties for the Alfresco repository is to use the CATALINA_OPTSenvironment variable. Using env vars to configure an application is very common in containerized environments.

In some circumstances you might need/want to use subsystem configuration. This is mostly useful in case you need to instantiate several times the same subsystem, otherwise you should prefer properties or environment variables.

Neither environment variables nor configmaps are really suitable to pass sensitive data. For that purpose secrets are recommended.

Below we provide details on how to use each of these option and how (the subsystem approach is explained here.

Repository configuration using

Although the alfresco-repository chart do not generate the file, it can be passed as a pre-existing configmap making it easy for you to port your existing configuration to kubernetes environments. Such a pre-existing secret must be referenced using the value configuration.repository.existingConfigMap.

    existingConfigMap: my-global-properties-cm

This configmap should be the mere representation of the file, for example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-global-properties-cm
data: |

Repository configuration using environment variables

Using environment variable is quite similar to using a properties file. All one need to do in order to switch from one approach to the other is to prefix the property with the -D java uses to set system properties. Such properties are passed as shown below using the environment.CATALINA_OPTS value.


Sensitive data within the repository configuration

Sometimes the data required as a repository property is considered sensitive. In such case we recommend using the approach below.

In the first place you will need a secret to hold the sensitive data you want to pass to the Alfresco repository. One can be created as follow:

kubectl create secret generic repo-secret \
  --from-literal "REPO_ADMIN_PASSWORD=moreSecureThanAdmin"

Now we will reference that secret in the list of configuration.repository.existingSecrets by specifying its name, the key which holds the sensitive data we need and specify the name of the property we want to assign that value to. Here the name of the secret is repo-scret, the key holding the sensitive value is REPO_ADMIN_PASSWORD and the property must be specified using purpose attribute and following the syntax “”

      - name: repo-secret
        purpose: property:alfresco_user_store.adminpassword