
Version: 0.3.0 AppVersion: 24.3.0

A Helm chart for Alfresco Activiti


Repository Name Version alfresco-common 3.1.3
oci:// postgresql 12.8.5


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}  
database.driver string nil JDBC driver Class
database.existingConfigMap.keys.driver string "DATABASE_DRIVER" configmap key where to find the JDBC driver Class for admin app
database.existingConfigMap.keys.url string "DATABASE_URL" configmap key where to find the URL of the database for admin app string nil  
database.existingSecret.keys.password string "DATABASE_PASSWORD" Key within the secret holding the database password for admin app
database.existingSecret.keys.username string "DATABASE_USERNAME" Key within the secret holding the database username for admin app string nil Name of a pre-existing secret containing database credentials for admin app
database.password string nil JDBC password to use to connect to the DB for admin app
database.url string nil JDBC url to connect to the external DB for admin app
database.username string nil JDBC username to use to connect to the DB for admin app
envFromExistingConfigMap string nil Name of a pre-existing configmap to load env vars from (overrides .environment values)
environment.ACTIVITI_ADMIN_REST_APP_HOST string "http://localhost" activiti-app address
environment.ACTIVITI_ADMIN_REST_APP_PASSWORD string "admin" activiti-app password
environment.ACTIVITI_ADMIN_REST_APP_PORT string "80" activiti-app port
environment.ACTIVITI_ADMIN_REST_APP_USERNAME string "" activiti-app username
global.alfrescoRegistryPullSecrets string "quay-registry-secret"  
image.internalPort int 8080  
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"  
image.repository string ""  
image.tag string "24.3.0"  
ingress.annotations.”” string "cookie"  
ingress.annotations.”” string "5g"  
ingress.className string "nginx" supported ingress class
ingress.enabled bool true Toggle ingress for APS admin
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/activiti-admin"  
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix"  
ingress.tls list []  
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 5  
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 25  
livenessProbe.path string "/activiti-admin/actuator/health/liveness" For APS prior to 24.3.0, path must be set to /activiti-admin/
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 10  
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5  
nodeSelector object {}  
podAnnotations object {}  
podLabels object {}  
podSecurityContext.runAsUser int 33007  
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 5  
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 25  
readinessProbe.path string "/activiti-admin/actuator/health/readiness" For APS prior to 24.3.0, path must be set to /activiti-admin/
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 10  
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5  
resources.limits.cpu string "1000m"  
resources.limits.memory string "2Gi"  
resources.requests.cpu string "250m"  
resources.requests.memory string "512Mi"  
service.externalPort int 80 string "activiti-admin"  
service.type string "ClusterIP" bool false A chart tag used for Hyland’s CI purpose. Do not set it to true.
tolerations list []  
volumeMounts list []  
volumes list []  
workaround.ACTIVITI-5113 bool false Enable workaround for ACTIVITI-5113 required for versions before 24.2.0