Deployment guide

This page describes how to deploy Alfresco Content Services (ACS) using the Ansible playbook found in this project.

A basic understanding of Ansible concepts is highly recommended to successfully complete the deployment and better understand all the steps documented in this guide. If it’s your first time with Ansible, please have a read at Ansible concepts for a brief introduction.

Getting started quickly with Vagrant

The quickest way to get started and experiment with the playbook is by leveraging Vagrant to create a Virtualbox virtual machine to act as the control node and the target host.

  1. Ensure your local machine has a minimum of 10G of memory and 4 CPUs
  2. Clone via Git or Download this repository to your local machine
  3. Install Vagrant
  4. Install Virtualbox
  5. Open Virtualbox application to make sure it startup correctly
  6. In a terminal, navigate to where you cloned or unpacked the repository
  7. Set environment variables to hold your Nexus credentials as shown below (replacing the values appropriately):

     export NEXUS_USERNAME="<your-username>"
     export NEXUS_PASSWORD="<your-password>"
  8. Make sure to add the known_urls variables in the file group_vars/all.yml. It should contain any URL which is allowed to query the repository and the first entry MUST be set to the dmain URL used to access Alfresco. For example with the default vagrant config:

  9. Run the main vagrant:

     vagrant up

    NOTE: The playbook takes around 30 minutes to complete and mostly depends on your internet connection speed.

Once ACS has initialized access the system using the following URLs using a browser:

  • Digital Workspace:
  • Share:
  • Repository:
  • API Explorer:

To access the machine vagrant created and ran the playbook on use vagrant ssh.

Getting started

If you have access to a pristine host running one of the supported Linux distributions, you can follow this quickstart for a localhost deployment.

Get the playbook

If you’re not working directly working on the control node, transfer the ZIP file to the control node together with the SSH private key required to login to the target machines, and SSH into the machine:

scp  alfresco-ansible-deployment-<version>.zip user@controlnode:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ansible_rsa user@controlnode
ssh  user@controlnode
unzip alfresco-ansible-deployment-<version>.zip
cd alfresco-ansible-deployment

You can also use Git to fetch latest sources (or a specific release for example by adding -b v2.4.0) on the control node with:

git clone
cd alfresco-ansible-deployment

You may want to generate an SSH key pair locally and use it later for deployment. Wether you generate one or you use one you copied over to the control node, it is your responsibility to deploy it to the target machines so Ansible can use it. Using SSH keys is recommended but not mandatory. If using password instead make sure to add the -kswitch to the ansible command so it prompts you for a password.

Setup runtime environment

Before starting using the playbook, make sure you are running at least Python 3.11:

python3 --version

If not, depending on your distribution, you may need to install Python 3.11. For example, on Ubuntu 22.04 you can install it with:

sudo apt-get install python3.11 python3-pip

and on rpm-based distributions like Rocky Linux and Red Hat:

sudo dnf install python3.11-pip

Then check again the version with:

python3.11 --version

We made mandatory the usage of pipenv to make sure that you will run the playbook with the same set of python dependencies we are running our integration tests.

Install pipenv via pip (alternate install methods):

pip3 install --user pipenv

Try with python3.11 -m pip instead of pip3 if there is more than one python version in your system and 3.11 is not the default one.

Now you are ready to install Ansible and required runtime dependencies in a dedicated virtual environment managed by pipenv.

Run from the repository root folder:

pipenv install --deploy
pipenv run ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

When using pipenv, it is sufficient to prefix any ansible command with pipenv run. We always provide command snippets in this documentation with that prefix for your copy-pasting convenience. Keep in mind that you can also run pipenv shell that will spawn a new shell that automatically assume that every command is related to the current pipenv virtualenv. You can exit from that shell just by using exit or Ctrl+D.

If you intend to deploy an Enterprise system, create the mandatory environment variables that hold your Nexus credentials as shown below (replacing the values appropriately):

export NEXUS_USERNAME="<your-username>"
export NEXUS_PASSWORD="<your-password>"

Now you have the control node setup you can configure your deployment and decide what kind of deployment you would like.

To deploy everything on the control node follow the steps in the Localhost Deployment section or to deploy to one or more other machines follow the steps in the SSH Deployment section.

If you are going to do a production deployment, please take a look at the mandatory Secrets management section.

Alternatively, you can add the parameter -e autogen_unsecure_secrets=true to the ansible-playbook command to just autogenerate secrets before running the playbook for the first time (remove it for the next runs).

Minimal configuration

In order to run the playbook successfully you least to provide AT LEAST the domain name where the Alfresco applications will be served. The known_urls is used for that purpose. It should contain any URL which is allowed to query the repository and the first entry MUST be set to the domain URL used to access Alfresco. For example if you plan on using as your main domain on both https & http, you should set the group_vars/all.yml file to:


The known_urls variable serves a larger purpose, check the SECURITY README for more details.

Understanding the playbook

Let’s take a step back to learn more about Ansible and the playbook before moving to more advanced topics.

The Control Node

The machine the playbook is run from is known as the Control Node. Ansible has some prerequisites for this control node. The main one is that it needs to run on a POSIX compliant system, meaning Linux or others Unix (including MacOSX) but not Windows. On windows please make see the provided Vagrantfile in order to kick start a local Linux VM where to deploy the playbook.

More info on control node

Understanding the inventory file

An inventory file is used to describe the architecture or environment where you want to deploy the ACS platform. Each machine taking part in the environment needs to be described with at least:

  • An inventory_name: a name which, in most cases can be anything (It is though a good practice to use a name or address which all target machines can resolve and reach from their local network).

And optionally:

  • An ansible_user variable: if the host requires a unique and specific user to login to.
  • An ansible_host variable; if the host needs to be reached through an address that’s different from the inventory_hostname (e.g. machine is only reachable through a bastion host or some sort of NAT).
  • An ansible_private_key_file in case your hosts needs a specific SSH key in order to login to it.

An ACS inventory file has the following groups a host can belong to:

  • repository: the list of one or more hosts which will get an Alfresco repo deployed on (see the deployment guide for details on repository clustering).

  • database: a host on which the playbook will deploy PostgreSQL. See the deployment guide for details on how to use another external RDBMS.
  • activemq: the host on which the playbook will deploy the message queue component required by ACS.
  • external_activemq: an alternative group to activemq in case you don’t want to deploy ActiveMQ using our basic activemq role but instead use an ActiveMQ instance of yours which matches your hosting standards.
  • search: a single host on which to deploy Alfresco Search services, as an alternative to Search Enterprise.
  • search_enterprise: one or more hosts on which deploy Search Enterprise.
  • elasticsearch: one or more hosts on which deploy the ElasticSearch cluster backing Search Enterprise.
  • external_elasticsearch: an alternative group to elasticsearch in case you don’t want to deploy ElasticSearch using the community ElasticSearch role but instead use an ElasticSearch cluster of yours which matches your hosting standards.
  • nginx: a single host on which the playbook will deploy an NGINX reverse proxy configured for the numerous http based service in the platform.
  • acc: a single host where you want the Alfresco Control Center UI to be installed
  • adw: a single host where you want the Alfresco Digital Workspace UI to be installed
  • transformers: a single host where the playbook will deploy the Alfresco Transformation Services components
  • syncservice: a single host where the Alfresco Device Sync service will be deployed
  • identity: a single host where the playbook will deploy Keycloak with local storage
  • external_identity: an alternative group to identity in case you want to provide your already existing keycloak installation (not yet implemented)

Ansible also ships a default group called all which all hosts always belongs to

Inventory files provided as example in this playbook are all YAML written. Groups are always children items of the all group it self or of other groups. Hosts are mentioned after a hosts key under any group (including the all group). So a generic example would be:


An inventory file can also be used to set variable within a specific scope. Variables can be specified at the host, groups or all levels, thus affecting the scope in which that variable is available. So if one variable (like ansible_user for example) is valid for all hosts, you’d better set it once under the all group.

See Ansible variable precedence documentation to better understand how precedence works.

In most cases we recommend you use your inventory to place the configuration variables you may need to tweak the playbook to your needs.

In this project you’ll find 3 example inventory files:

The inventory_local.yml which is ready to use in order to deploy all components on the local machine.

flowchart LR
user[👤] --> Playbooks
subgraph Control Node
Playbooks --- Inventory
Playbooks --> role1
Playbooks --> roleN

The inventory_ssh.yml which provides s skeleton for you to update and match your architecture so each component can be deployed on a dedicated node.

flowchart LR
user[👤] --> Playbooks
subgraph Control Node
subgraph node1
subgraph nodeN
Playbooks --> node1
Playbooks --> nodeN
Inventory --- Playbooks

The inventory_ha.yml which is very similar to the previous one but also provides support for repository clustering (see acs cluster section for more details).

A complete documentation about inventory file is available at inventory file

Folder Structure

Regardless of role and connection type, a consistent folder structure is used. You will find the deployed files in the following locations:

Path Purpose
/opt/alfresco Binaries
/etc/opt/alfresco Configuration
/var/opt/alfresco Data
/var/log/alfresco Logs

Service Configuration

The following systemd services are deployed and can be used to stop and start Alfresco components:

Service Name Purpose
activemq.service ActiveMQ Service
postgresql-<version>.service Postgresql DB Service (where <version> is 13 for ACS 7.x and 14 for 7.3)
nginx.service Nginx Service
alfresco-content.service Alfresco Content Service
alfresco-search.service Alfresco Search Service
alfresco-shared-fs.service Alfresco Shared File Store Controller Service
alfresco-sync.service Alfresco Sync Service
alfresco-tengine-aio.service Alfresco AIO Transform Core Engine
alfresco-transform-router.service Alfresco Transformation Router Service
elasticsearch-connector.service Alfresco Search Enterprise Service
elasticsearch-connector-reindex.service Alfresco Search Enterprise job to force the reindexing of all the contents of the store
elasticsearch.service ElasticSearch Service
keycloak.service Keycloak Service

Please be aware that some configuration changes (e.g. postgres pg_hba, properties files, …) can trigger a service restart and a consequent application downtime. For this reason you may want to run the playbook only during a scheduled maintenance window.

TCP Port Configuration

Several roles setup services that listen on TCP ports and several roles wait for TCP ports to be listening before continuing execution (indicated by Yes in the “Required For Deployment” column). The table below shows the communication paths and port numbers used.

Target Host Target Port Source Hosts Required For Deployment
activemq 61616 repository, syncservice, transformers, search_enterprise Yes
database 5432 repository, syncservice, search_enterprise (reindex) Yes
database 5432 search_enterprise (reindex) No
repository 8080 nginx, share (loopback only) Yes
repository 80 search, syncservice Yes
search 8983 repository No
transformers (aio t-engine) 8090 repository No
transformers (router) 8095 repository No
transformers (sfs) 8099 repository No
syncservice 9090 nginx No
acc 8881 nginx No
adw 8880 nginx No
nginx 80,443 <client-ips> (e.g. api clients such as acc or adw) No
elasticsearch 9200 repository No
keycloak 8082 nginx No
keycloak 443 repository No

NOTE: When using the ACS Community, some of these ports do not need to be opened (e.g. transform router/sfs, acc, adw).

Configure Your Deployment

By default, without any configuration applied, the playbook will deploy a limited trial of the Enterprise version of Alfresco Content Services 7.x that goes into read-only mode after 2 days. If you’d like to try Alfresco Content Services for a longer period, request the 30-day Download Trial.

The sections below describe how you can configure your deployment before running the playbook.


If you have a valid license place your .lic file in the configuration_files/licenses folder before running the playbook.

NOTE: You can also upload a license via the Admin Console once the system is running.

Secrets management

This playbook expects that security-relevant secrets are configured within the vars/secrets.yml file.

It is strongly recommended to enable Ansible Vault encryption or use third-party plugins to avoid keeping secrets in plaintext on the control node file-system.

We provide a secrets-init.yml playbook to automatically generate secure secrets and encrypt them with Ansible Vault.

Enable Ansible Vault support

To start using Ansible Vault integration, a password needs to be provided to Ansible to make encryption/decryption working during the play.

There are different ways to provide that password Ansible Vault, from manually via user input on each ansible-playbook run using the --ask-vault-pass flag (example below), to more advanced scenarios.

pipenv run ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass playbooks/acs.yml

While we recommend to refer to the official Ansible documentation to properly configure Ansible vault, below a basic configuration that will help you in quickly installing Alfresco without to having to input the Vault password every time.

Configure a password in a file (e.g. ~/.vault_pass.txt), optionally autogenerate it with:

openssl rand -base64 21 > ~/.vault_pass.txt

Set ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE to that file location so that can automatically picked-up when running Ansible:

export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.vault_pass.txt

Now you are ready to start using Ansible Vault.

Populate secrets with Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault provides two alternative ways to protect secrets:

In the previous links you can read both advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches.

If you are upgrading from previous versions of the playbook, you may want to read upgrade notes.

Encrypted variables

With Encrypted variables you can use the secrets-init.yml playbook to handle the first-time generation of secrets and also to automatically add new secrets that may be introduced in future versions of the playbook.

To automatically setup/update secrets, run:

pipenv run ansible-playbook -e vault_init=encrypted_variables playbooks/secrets-init.yml
Encrypted files

With Encrypted files you can use the secrets-init.yml playbook to handle the first-time generation of secrets but for updates you have to provide them as described below. However you can provide your own passwords too.

pipenv run ansible-playbook -e vault_init=plaintext playbooks/secrets-init.yml

and then replace the autogenerated passwords with your own.

To enable file encryption and automatically autogenerate any missing secrets, run:

pipenv run ansible-playbook  -e vault_init=encrypted_file playbooks/secrets-init.yml

After the first run, you can access the encrypted file vault with:

pipenv run ansible-vault view vars/secrets.yml

or to add/edit secrets with:

pipenv run ansible-vault edit vars/secrets.yml

Please refer to the official documentation to learn how to interact with existing encrypted variables or files.

Third-party lookup plugins

Variables defined in vars/secrets.yml can also reference remote values using third-parties lookup plugins instead of using Ansible Vault.

To generate a stub secrets file, run:

pipenv run ansible-playbook -e vault_init=plugin playbooks/secrets-init.yml

And then edit vars/secrets.yml to fill all the required arguments for the plugin you want to use as described in the plugin documentation pages:

Alfresco Global Properties

You can provide your repository configuration by editing the configuration_files/ file.

This approach is now discouraged and you should prefer using the repository group vars global_properties as much as possible otherwise reference you own snippets of properties file using either the new repository group var properties_snippets or directly the repository role argument raw_properties. will be located in /etc/opt/alfresco/content-services/classpath.

Enable SSL

If you have a FQDN and a certificate you want to use place the certificate and the key in the configuration_files/ssl_certificates folder before running the playbook. Also replace the fqdn_alfresco: "" with your own domain in group_vars/all.yml along with setting use_ssl: true.

NOTE: The certificate and the key should be named the same as the domain eg: and


Several AMP files are downloaded and applied during playbook execution, these are defined in a variable which is either in the group_vars/all.yml file or an extra-var file (in case of older ACS version). For that reason there is common way to override that variable. If you want to change the list of AMPs you’ll need to directly change the variable from the file where it is defined.

  1. Open group_vars/all.yml or the x.y.N-extra-vars.yml file and amend amp_downloads variable definition
  2. In the group_vars/all.yml file, Add any additional AMP you want to apply to the amp_downloads variable as well, paying close attention to the dest property. If it’s a repository AMP use the amps_repo folder, if it’s a Share AMP use the amps_share folder
  3. Save the file and run the playbook as normal.

NOTE: This mechanism is sub-optimal and will be improved in a future release.

JVM Options

Each Java based service deployed by the playbook is configured with some default settings, including memory settings.

The defaults are defined in the roles’ specific default variables (see the Ansible Overview paragraph in the README file) so they can be overridden in the inventory_file using the right scope.

For example, to override the JAVA_OPTS environment variable for the All-In-One Transform Engine place the following in inventory file:

          - -Xms512m
          - -Xmx1g
          - $JAVA_OPTS

All the _environment variables defined in roles are dictionaries, and all their keys are added to the relevant components start script thus allowing you to define any number of environment variables. Key values are a list of strings to allow for easier manipulation. When overriding the default env vars you should make sure you’re not retiring important ones so always take a look at the ``roles/ROLE_NAME/defaults/main.yml` file first.

Single Sign On (Keycloak)

We are providing an identity role as an easy way to evaluate SSO features in Alfresco and is not meant to be used in production (see External Identity)

When defining a node into the identity group, the identity role which wraps the upstream ansible-middleware/keycloak will automatically configure a Keycloak installation and all the components will be configured automatically to use it (share, adw, acc).

SSO known issues and limitations

  • The upstream playbook currently supports only
  • RHEL derivatives (e.g. Rockylinux) and not Debian based systems (internal ref: OPSEXP-2355)

External Databases

By default the playbook will deploy and configure a Postgres server for you. That server is a basic PostgreSQL setup with no specific optimization or features. For example, it doesn’t provide any high availability mechanism.

This server also requires to NOT have a sudo configuration with requirestty set.

If you’d prefer to use an external database server you can override the repo_db_url variable.

An example custom database url is shown below:

repo_db_url: jdbc:mysql://
repo_db_driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Along with the url the database driver binaries need to be provided for one or both services in the configuration_files/db_connector_repo and/or configuration_files/db_connector_sync folders.

The default database username (repo_db_username and/or sync_db_username) and password (repo_db_password and/or sync_db_password) in the configuration file group_vars/all.yml can also be overridden with your custom values.

Please refer to the Configuring Databases documentation for more detailed information.

External ActiveMQ

This playbook provides support for a single host declared inside the activemq group that will deploy and configure an ActiveMQ instance that is suitable for testing/evaluation only (no failover and default credentials).

It’s strongly suggested that you provide your own ActiveMQ instance by defining in the inventory file, exactly one host as a member of the external_activemq group (nested inside the external group) as follows:

          activemq_username: alfresco
          activemq_port: 61617
          activemq_transport: tcp # or ssl

Every hosts under the external group is not directly managed by the acs playbook and is required in the inventory just for the sake of architecture description.

External ElasticSearch

In case you want to provide your own ElasticSearch cluster (or use AWS OpenSearch, as an example) you can define in the inventory file exactly one host as a member of the external_elasticsearch group (nested inside the external group) as follows:

          elasticsearch_username: admin
          elasticsearch_port: 9200
          elasticsearch_protocol: http # or https with port 443

Every hosts under the external group is not directly managed by the acs playbook and is required in the inventory just for the sake of architecture description.

External Identity

Support for external Identity service will be implemented in a future playbook release (internal ref: OPSEXP-2353).

Custom Keystore

By default the playbook deploys a default keystore to ease the installation process, however, we recommend you generate your own keystore following the instructions here.

There are three steps required to use a custom keystore:

  1. Place your generated keystore file in the configuration_files/keystores folder (these get copied to /var/opt/alfresco/content-services/keystore)
  2. Override the use_custom_keystores variable defined in your inventory as a repository group variable.
  3. Override the acs_environment variable and define your custom JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS configuration
  4. Add repo_custom_keystore_password and repo_custom_keystore_metadata_password in vars/secrets.yml

An example snippet of inventory file is shown below:

    use_custom_keystores: true
        - -Xms512m
        - -Xmx3g
        - -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
        - -Djava.awt.headless=true
        - -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m
        - $JAVA_OPTS"
        - -Dencryption.keystore.type=pkcs12
        - -Dencryption.cipherAlgorithm=AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding
        - -Dencryption.keyAlgorithm=AES
        - -Dencryption.keystore.location=/var/opt/alfresco/content-services/keystore/<your-keystore-file>
        - -Dmetadata-keystore.metadata.algorithm=AES"

Specifying a different component repository

In case you want to use a different server/repository for a specific artifact to further customize your deployment, you can override the default URL in two ways:

You can change the value of component.repository key for the selected component, provided that the path to your custom artifact follows the conventional Maven2 Repository Layout. For example to change the repository of ACS artifact you would:

Edit group_vars/all.yml:

  version: 7.2.1
  repository: "{{ nexus_repository.enterprise_releases }}/alfresco-content-services-distribution"
  edition: Enterprise


  version: 7.2.1
  repository: ""
  edition: Enterprise

This assumes that the full URL to your custom artifact looks like

In case you want to install a different (not latest) ACS version, you should make similar changes to the respective *-extra-vars.yml file.

The other way is to override the URL completely:

In group_vars/all.yml you need to find the section under which the default download URL for the specific artifact is defined out of downloads, war_downloads and amp_downloads and override it, for example:

  acs_zip_url: ""
  acs_zip_sha1_checksum_url: ""


  - url: ""
    checksum: "sha1:"
    dest: "{{ content_folder }}/web-server/webapps/api-explorer.war"


  - url: ""
    sha1_checksum_url: ""
    dest: "{{ content_folder }}/amps_repo/alfresco-aos-module.amp"

Be careful not to override the value for dest key

Localhost Deployment

The diagram below shows the result of a localhost deployment.

graph LR
user[👤] --> playbook
subgraph CN[Control Node]
  search_enterprise[Search Enterprise]
  sfs[Shared File Store]
  sync[Sync Service]
  transformers[AIO Transform Engine]
  trouter(Transform Router)
playbook --> activemq
playbook --> elasticsearch
playbook --> nginx
playbook --> repository
playbook --> postgres
playbook --> search_enterprise
playbook --> sfs
playbook --> sync
playbook --> transformers
playbook --> trouter

To deploy ACS 23.1 Enterprise on the local machine navigate to the folder you extracted the ZIP to and execute the playbook as the current user using the following command (the playbook will escalate privileges when required):

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_local.yml

Alternatively, to deploy an ACS Enterprise 7.4 system use the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_local.yml -e "@7.4.N-extra-vars.yml"

Or to deploy ACS Community use the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_local.yml -e "@community-extra-vars.yml"

By default, the ACS playbook will now also check compatibility of OS if it is fully supported. You can add flag ‘-e skip_os_test=true’ if you want to deploy on not supported OS distribution.

NOTE: The playbook takes around 30 minutes to complete.

Once the playbook is complete Ansible will display a play recap to let you know that everything is done, similar to the block below:

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
acc_1                      : ok=24   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
activemq_1                 : ok=24   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=17   rescued=0    ignored=0
adw_1                      : ok=24   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
database_1                 : ok=20   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0
nginx_1                    : ok=21   changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=8    rescued=0    ignored=0
repository_1               : ok=92   changed=43   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=14   rescued=0    ignored=0
search_1                   : ok=34   changed=13   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0
syncservice_1              : ok=39   changed=18   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=13   rescued=0    ignored=0
transformers_1             : ok=81   changed=10   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=44   rescued=0    ignored=0

Once ACS has initialized access the system using the following URLs with a browser:

  • Digital Workspace: http://<control-node-public-ip>/workspace (Enterprise Only)
  • Share: http://<control-node-public-ip>/share
  • Repository: http://<control-node-public-ip>/alfresco
  • API Explorer: http://<control-node-public-ip>/api-explorer
  • Control Center: http://<control-node-public-ip>/control-center (Enterprise Only)
  • Sync Service: http://<control-node-public-ip>/syncservice (Enterprise Only)

SSH Deployment

To deploy to hosts other than the control node an SSH connection is required. The control node must have network access to all the target hosts and permission to SSH into the machine.

The inventory file (inventory_ssh.yml) is used to specify the target IP addresses and the SSH connection details. You can specify one IP address for all the hosts to obtain a single-machine deployment, or different IP addresses for a multi-machine deployment.

The example snippet below demonstrates how to deploy the repository to a host with an IP address of and SSH key at /path/to/id_rsa.

      ansible_private_key_file: "/path/to/id_rsa"

If you want to deploy everything to a single machine follow the steps in the Single Machine Deployment section, alternatively, to deploy to any number of separate machines follow the steps in the Multi Machine Deployment section.

Single Machine Deployment

The diagram below shows the result of a single machine deployment.

graph LR
user[👤] --> playbook
subgraph CN[Control Node]
subgraph TN[Target Node]
  search_enterprise[Search Enterprise]
  sfs[Shared File Store]
  sync[Sync Service]
  transformers[AIO Transform Engine]
  trouter(Transform Router)
playbook --> TN

Once you have prepared the target host and configured the inventory_ssh.yaml file you are ready to run the playbook.

To check your inventory file is configured correctly and the control node is able to connect to the target host navigate to the folder you extracted the ZIP to and run the following command:

pipenv run ansible all -m ping -i inventory_ssh.yml

To deploy latest ACS Enterprise on the target host execute the playbook as the current user using the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml

Alternatively, to deploy an ACS 7.4 Enterprise system use the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml -e "@7.4.N-extra-vars.yml"

Or to deploy latest ACS Community use the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml -e "@community-extra-vars.yml"

NOTE: The playbook takes around 30 minutes to complete.

Once the playbook is complete Ansible will display a play recap to let you know that everything is done, similar to the block below:

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
acc_1                      : ok=24   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
activemq_1                 : ok=24   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=17   rescued=0    ignored=0
adw_1                      : ok=24   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
database_1                 : ok=20   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0
nginx_1                    : ok=21   changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=8    rescued=0    ignored=0
repository_1               : ok=92   changed=43   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=14   rescued=0    ignored=0
search_1                   : ok=34   changed=13   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0
syncservice_1              : ok=39   changed=18   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=13   rescued=0    ignored=0
transformers_1             : ok=81   changed=10   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=44   rescued=0    ignored=0

Once ACS has initialized access the system using the following URLs with a browser:

  • Digital Workspace: http://<target-host-ip>/workspace (Enterprise Only)
  • Share: http://<target-host-ip>/share
  • Repository: http://<target-host-ip>/alfresco
  • API Explorer: http://<target-host-ip>/api-explorer
  • Control Center: http://<target-host-ip>/control-center (Enterprise Only)
  • Sync Service: http://<target-host-ip>/syncservice (Enterprise Only)

Multi Machine Deployment

The diagram below shows the result of a multi machine deployment.

graph LR
user[👤] --> playbook
subgraph CN[Control Node]
subgraph database_node
subgraph repository_node
subgraph activemq_node
subgraph search_node
  search_enterprise[Search Enterprise]
subgraph nginx_node
subgraph acc_node
  acc[Control Center]
subgraph adw_node
  adw[Digital Workspace]
subgraph sync_node
  sync[Sync Service]
subgraph transformers_node
  transformers[AIO Transform Engine]
  trouter(Transform Router)
  sfs[Shared File Store]
playbook --> database_node
playbook --> repository_node
playbook --> activemq_node
playbook --> search_node
playbook --> nginx_node
playbook --> acc_node
playbook --> adw_node
playbook --> sync_node
playbook --> transformers_node

Once you have prepared the target hosts (ensuring the relevant ports are accessible) and configured the inventory_ssh.yaml file you are ready to run the playbook.

To check your inventory file is configured correctly and the control node is able to connect to the target hosts run the following command:

ansible all -m ping -i inventory_ssh.yml

Optional To check if the required ports for the deployment are available on the target machine and we also have connectivity between nodes (ex. repository connecting to the db on 5432) the prerun-network-checks playbook can be executed before you deploy ACS. If there are any firewalls blocking connectivity this playbook will discover them.

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/prerun-network-checks.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml [-e "@community-extra-vars.yml"]

To deploy latest ACS Enterprise on the target hosts execute the playbook as the current user using the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml

Or to deploy latest ACS Community use the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml -e "@community-extra-vars.yml"

NOTE: The playbook takes around 30 minutes to complete.

Once the playbook is complete Ansible will display a play recap to let you know that everything is done, similar to the block below:

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************
acc_1                      : ok=24   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
activemq_1                 : ok=24   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=17   rescued=0    ignored=0
adw_1                      : ok=24   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0
database_1                 : ok=20   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0
nginx_1                    : ok=21   changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=8    rescued=0    ignored=0
repository_1               : ok=92   changed=43   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=14   rescued=0    ignored=0
search_1                   : ok=34   changed=13   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=11   rescued=0    ignored=0
syncservice_1              : ok=39   changed=18   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=13   rescued=0    ignored=0
transformers_1             : ok=81   changed=10   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=44   rescued=0    ignored=0

Once ACS has initialized access the system using the following URLs with a browser:

  • Digital Workspace: http://<nginx-host-ip>/workspace (Enterprise Only)
  • Share: http://<nginx-host-ip>/share
  • Repository: http://<nginx-host-ip>/alfresco
  • API Explorer: http://<nginx-host-ip>/api-explorer
  • Control Center: http://<nginx-host-ip>/control-center (Enterprise Only)
  • Sync Service: http://<nginx-host-ip>/syncservice (Enterprise Only)

Additional command switches for ansible-playbook

There are some useful argument you can use with ansible-playbook command in many circumstances. Some are highlighted below but take a look at The ansible-playbook documentation for complete list of options.

  • -k : Prompt for SSH password. Useful when no SSH keys have been deployed but needs to be th same on all hosts (prefer SSH whenever possible)
  • -K : Prompt for sudo password. Useful when the user used to connect to the machine is not root
  • -e : Pass an extra variable or override an existing one (read from file with -e @file).
  • -l : Limit the play to a subset of hosts (either groups or individuals hosts or a mix of both)
  • -u user : specify the username to use to connect to all targets (Prefer adding the ansible_ssh_user to the inventory file in the right scope, e.g. under the allgroup)

ACS cluster

Due to load or high availability needs, you might want to deploy a cluster of several repository nodes. This can be achieved rather simply by:

  • Giving the playbook the location of the shared storage used for the ACS contentstore (See Shared storage documentation for details).
  • Specifying several hosts within the repository hosts group

:warning: as mention in the Alfresco official documentation, “All the servers in a cluster should have static IP addresses assigned to them”.

For example in the inventory file:

          cluster_keepoff: true

In the group_vars/repository.yml file:

  type: nfs
  device: nas.infra.local:/exports/contentstore
  options: _netdev,noatime,nodiratim

In some circumstances, you may want to have a repo node that’s dedicated to a scheduled task (such as ingesting massive amount of documents). Depending on the nature of the task and the requirements of your organisation, it may be preferable to not make this node part of the ACS cluster. In that case, you can add the cluster_keepoff variable to one of the repository group nodes’. It will provision the node with the repository and share services but make sure it not taking part in neither the share, nor the repository cluster realm.

A typical use case is to have a dedicated Solr tracking node. The playbook will then prefer to use that dedicated node - if it finds one - for solr tracking and only use the other as backup server (no load balancing)


After the initial deploy, may arise the need to execute maintenance tasks that are handled via specific playbooks.

Search Enterprise Reindexing

You can trigger the reindexing of existing content in Search Enterprise using a dedicated playbook:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/search-enterprise-reindex.yml -i <inventory_file>.yml

Cleanup and uninstall ACS

What needs to be removed from a system will depend on your inventory configuration. The steps below presume a cleanup and uninstallation of Alfresco content service after deployment of ansible artifacts by using platform-cleanup.yml playbook and platform-uninstall.yml playbook respectively.


This playbook will remove the temporary artifacts which are stored on the hosts.In order to cleanup the system post deployment run the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/platform-cleanup.yml -i <inventory_file>.yml

Note: This playbook can break the idempotency i.e Downloaded artifacts again needs to removed by running cleanup playbook.


This playbook will uninstall the sevices which belong to the specific hosts. Below are the services, packages & folders we are removing when uninstalling

  1. Stopping and removing the following services:
    • alfresco-transform-router.service
    • alfresco-shared-fs.service
    • alfresco-tengine-aio.service
    • alfresco-sync.service
    • alfresco-search.service
    • alfresco-content.service
    • nginx.service
    • activemq.service
    • postgresql-version.service (where version is 13 for ACS 7.x and 14 for 7.3)
  2. Remove the following packages:
    • ImageMagick
    • libreoffice
    • nginx
    • postgresql
  3. Remove the following folders:
    • /opt/apache-activemq-version
    • /opt/apache-tomcat-version
    • /opt/libreofficeversion
    • /opt/openjdk-version
    • /opt/alfresco
    • /etc/opt/alfresco
    • /var/opt/alfresco
    • /var/log/alfresco
    • /tmp/ansible_artefacts
    • /tmp/Alfresco

In order to uninstall this from the hosts run the following command:

pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/platform-uninstall.yml -i inventory_ssh.yml

Known Issues

  • The playbook downloads several large files so you will experience some pauses while they transfer and you’ll also see the message “FAILED - RETRYING: Verifying if <file> finished downloading (nnn retries left)” appearing many times. Despite the wording this is not an error so please ignore and be patient!
  • The playbook is not yet fully idempotent so may cause issues if you make changes and run multiple times
  • The firewalld service can prevent the playbook from completing successfully if it’s blocking the ports required for communication between the roles
  • The nginx and adw roles need to be deployed to the same host otherwise the playbook fails


Failed Downloads

If you see an error similar to the one below (in particular the mention of HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized or HTTP Error 401: basic auth failed) you’ve most likely forgotten to setup your Nexus credentials or mis-configured them.

fatal: [transformers_1]: FAILED! => {"msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while templating '{u'acs_zip_sha1_checksum': u\"{{ lookup('url', '{{ nexus_repository.enterprise_releases }}org/alfresco/alfresco-content-services-distribution/{{ acs.version }}/alfresco-content-services-distribution-{{ acs.version }}.zip.sha1', username=lookup('env', 'NEXUS_USERNAME'), password=lookup('env', 'NEXUS_PASSWORD')) }}\", u'adw_zip_sha1_checksum': u\"{{ lookup('url', '{{ nexus_repository.enterprise_releases }}/org/alfresco/alfresco-digital-workspace/{{ adw.version }}/alfresco-digital-workspace-{{ adw.version }}.zip.sha1', username=lookup('env', 'NEXUS_USERNAME'), password=lookup('env', 'NEXUS_PASSWORD')) }}\", u'acs_zip_url': u'{{ nexus_repository.enterprise_releases }}org/alfresco/alfresco-content-services-distribution/{{ acs.version }}/alfresco-content-services-distribution-{{ acs.version }}.zip'
Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'url'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: Received HTTP error for : HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized"}

Nginx Failure

If the playbook fails not being able to start Nginx, make sure both ADW and Nginx point to the same host in the inventory file. Otherwise you’ll encounter the error below:

TASK [../roles/adw : Ensure nginx service is running as configured.] ***** fatal: [adw_1]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Unable to start service nginx: Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See “systemctl status nginx.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details.\n”}

Communication Failures

If you are using a multi-machine deployment and the playbook fails with an error similar to the one shown below you may need to check the firewall configuration on the target hosts.

TASK [../roles/repository : Notify alfresco content service] ********* fatal: [repository_1]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “elapsed”: 300, “msg”: “Timeout when waiting for”}

Either disable the firewall completely or refer to the ports configuration section for what ports need to be accessible.

Presuming you are using firewalld the following example commands can be used to open a port, replacing <port-number> with the approriate number or replacing <service-name> with a well know service name e.g. “http”.

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<port-number>/tcp


firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=<service-name>

After the firewall config has been set up a reload of the firewalld service is needed

If you are using a host that is behind a proxy you might experience timeouts or HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized errors.

A possible quick fix is to make http_proxy and https_proxy available to either current user or to the entire system.

export http_proxy=<protocol><proxy_address>
export https_proxy=<protocol><proxy_address>

or add the values in the /etc/environment

echo http_proxy=<protocol><proxy_address> >> /etc/environment
echo https_proxy=<protocol><proxy_address> >> /etc/environment

If this does not solve the issue, check the proxy configuration or contact your system administrator

Playbook Failures

If the playbook fails for some reason try re-running it with the -v option, if that still doesn’t provide enough information try re-running with the -vvv option.

Alfresco Failures

If the playbook completes successfully but the system is not functioning the best place to start is the log files, these can be found in the /var/log/alfresco folder on the target hosts. Please note the nginx log files are owned by root as the nginx process is running as root so it can listen on port 80.